About us
The Interactive Bulgaria Foundation works for the benefit of the whole society by supporting the development and implementation of interactive technologies and solutions in the field of education, science and communication. The Interactive Education in 360° Project under the Erasmus+ Program under Contract No2016-1-BG01-CA201-023783 (CA201/SE-71/06.10.2016) is a strategic partnership to support innovation in education directed at the achievement of the above objectives of the Foundation. Thanks to this project and bringing together the efforts of our partners, we have created the interactive IEDU360° training platform you are currently viewing. Our goal is to connect students, teachers and schools in an innovative and intriguing environment for knowledge exchange and provocation of imagination. We start with the understanding that one perceives and conceives a major part of information visually. That's why we've created an interactive tool in which you can create a 360° visual lesson or simply dive into the depths of the subject matter in a few simple steps. Our innovation increases effectiveness and turns learning into something really intriguing, preparing a better world for all participants in the learning process.